Biology Department Scholarships:
Students need to make application to the Department to be considered for a scholarship. Application forms are available on the Biology website and in the Biology departmental office (Science Buliding, D346). The deadline for the receipt of applications for department scholarships is November 1. Applications should be turned in to the Biology departmental office. No student will be granted more than one scholarship. The Departmental Honors and Awards Committee will review all applications. Following the review, students will be notified of the status of their applications before the end of the Fall semester.
1. Adele Gottschalk Scholarship. Up to two awards annually, of $1,000.00 per semester. This tuition scholarship is offered to a female student planning to attend a medical school. The candidate must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 and have demonstrated exemplary character through volunteerism or the assistance in the care and nurturing of others. The award is renewable each semester the student maintains her GPA above 3.0.
2. Max K. Hecht Scholarship. One award of $250.00 annually. Offered to an outstanding Biology major demonstrated through both academic achievement and experience in research. The candidate must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 and preference is given for those with a demonstrated interest in organismal biology. Organismal biology deals with the behavior, ecological relationships, and evolutionary history of organisms, including plants. This can include studies of adaptation and natural selection, phylogenetic studies of how organisms have evolved, and ecological studies of the interactions between organisms and their environment.
3. Victor Jules Scholarship. One award of $250.00 annually. Offered to a sophomore or junior Biology major with demonstrated financial need. The candidate must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0. The student must have completed at least 6 credits of 200 or above level QC Biology courses creditable to the major.
Seymour Fogel Endowment Fund for Genetic and Genomic Research
Seymour Fogel bequeathed a portion of his estate, about $185,000, to the Queens College Biology Department to be used for “faculty and Ph.D. level research in fungal genetics.” In an effort to broaden the impact of Sy’s generous bequest, the Biology Department established an endowment fund in Sy’s name. The Department uses the funds generated by the Seymour Fogel Endowment Fund to support the Department’s research activities while staying within the limits set by the bequest. In September 2009, the Biology Department expanded the types of projects funded by the Fogel Endowment Fund to “faculty and Ph.D. level research in genetics and genomics, particularly research with model genetic organisms”. The Fogel Awards committee considers applications annually for its annual research and travel awards. Faculty and PhD candidates conducting genetics and genomics research are eligible. Applications are due on or around March 1 each year. See the Fogel Awards Documentation for further details, and contact John Dennehy ([email protected]) for specific upcoming due dates.
Travel and Special Needs Awards
Students may apply to the Biology Department Alumni Affairs Committee chairperson, Dr. Esther Muehlbauer ([email protected]), for the following awards. Requests for funds must include: Purpose, Justification (with conference abstract if appropriate), and an itemized list of costs, and time table. A letter of support is required from an appropriate faculty advisor or research mentor. Applications may be submitted throughout the academic year, and will be reviewed by the Alumni Affairs Committee on a rolling basis.
Conference Travel Award:
Partial support for undergraduate and masters student travel to present research at a scientific conference.
Special Course Scholarships:
Scholarships for travel expenses associated with research, or short courses/field courses on special topics related to undergraduate and masters student research.
Biology Honor Society Project Award:
Funding to support projects undertaken by the Biology Honor Society, such as tutoring, or reorganization of the Biology Natural History Museum.
Links to Other QC Resources on Scholarships and Awards:
Queens College Honors and Fellowships Page
Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation at Queens College (LSAMP)